Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Desert Trail Column - July 29, 2020

We have a correction for last week’s column. In Today’s Thought, the second sentence should have read “According to Merriam-Webster, the following words FIRST APPEARED IN THE DICTIONARY in 1940.” Sorry for any misunderstanding.

 The drive-thru USDA food distribution ran very smoothly as usual. We thank Friends of Wonder Valley and all their wonderful volunteers.


If you’re tired of sitting in the house and just want to go for a short drive, head on over to the Glass Outhouse Art Gallery, 77575 29 Palms Highway at Thunder Road, to visit the tiny little Wayside Chapel out in front. If you’ve never been there, you have a pleasant surprise in store!


Drive-in church services will be held at Godwin Christian Fellowship, 6389 Godwin Road at Highway 62, starting at 7:30 a.m. All attending are required to wear face coverings and to remain in their vehicles at all times. Contact Pastor Max Rossi at or 831-234-6848 or Brother wally Currie at 760-449-8683 for further information.


We send out Rainbows-of-Rubies-and-Larkspurs to Lilah Margaret Fairweather who turns nine this week. Also, since the birthstone for August is the peridot and the flower is the gladiolus, we send Rainbows-of-Peridots-and-Gladioli to Mandy Root who turns 36 this week. Happy birthday, Mandy and Lilah!

Handy Hint:  How to make a child’s (or adult’s) time capsule. Pick a special day like the first day of school or a birthday, or just any ordinary day, to put it together. Decorate a container such as a large mason jar or coffee can or other sturdy container with a good-fitting lid. Fill it with meaningful small objects; a list of favorite songs, movies and colors: a list of personal goals for the coming year; and anything else important to that person that may change during the coming year. If the capsule is for a child, include a piece of yarn or ribbon equal to the child’s height. Add letters or notes from family and friends, plus a letter from the person to her- or himself as well. Seal the capsule and write on it in permanent marker the “open on” date – one year from the date of sealing. Hide the capsule in a dry place like on a high closet shelf. You might want to write a note to yourself with the location of the capsule and the date it is to be opened and put it in a secure place or give it to someone who will keep it safe. And do not forget to write the all-important opening date on next year’s calendar!

 Today’s Thought:  Don’t judge people by their relatives.


Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.