Wonder Valley, California, in the heart of the Mojave Desert, is a rural community of artists, musicians, and other desert dwellers. Visit the Palms Restaurant, the Glass Outhouse Gallery, and the Wonder Valley Community Center. Visit the beautiful Pinto and Bullion mountains. Minutes from Joshua Tree National Park and the Gateway to the Mojave Preserve.
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Dark Skies & Wonder Valley - Fri, April 14, 2023 @ WVCC
Monday, September 5, 2022
Ted Chat: Weed Show Preparation, Saturday 9/17/2022
Have you ever wanted to submit an entry to the Twentynine Palms Historical Society's Annual Weed Show? Have you ever wanted to win? Ted Meyers, long-time Wonder Valley resident, has won the Weed Show multiple times (honestly, we've lost count!) and returns to the WV Community Center to share his winning secrets with us.
- How to construct a display.
- The importance of following all rules.
- There are no monetary prizes involved, but the fun, the feeling of accomplishment and the possibility of winning bragging rights for a full year are worth the effort!
Chit-Chat & Chew - Saturday September 10, 2022
Chit-Chat & Chew, the monthly 2nd Saturday neighborhood get-together returns Saturday, September 10, 2022, from 8 a.m. till 10 a.m. at the Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526-1/2 Amboy Road, Wonder Valley.
The early morning monthly gathering is where Wonder Valley neighbors, weekenders, and visitors gather to meet without an agenda to share news, stories and the history of Wonder Valley, past, present and future.
Chit-Chat & Chew has been a wild success and is a fun way to grow community connections and build neighborhood resilience before folks start their Saturday errands and continue their chores. Coffee, Espresso and tea, along with other refreshments and pastries will be provided.
Friday, May 27, 2022
STOP THE BLEED | No one should die from bleeding - FREE!
A person can bleed to death in just a few minutes. If you know how to stop bleeding, you can save a life, and that life may be your own, or that of a loved one. Living in a rural area, knowing how to stop bleeding is an indispensable skill. Get yours! FREE!
Gael Whetstone BSN RN, from Desert Care Network, Desert Regional Medical Center, Level II Trauma Center will teach the nationally recognized Stop the Bleed course from
10 a.m. to 12 noon, Saturday, June 4, 2022
at the
Wonder Valley Community Center
80526-½ Amboy Road
Wonder Valley CA 92277
Reserve your space by calling: James Dunham at 760-367-9880
This is a national program to teach the lay person hemorrhage control by using direct pressure, wound packing and tourniquet application. It was created in response to mass casualty incidents, however, it can be used for earthquakes, car crashes, etc.
The same basic principles also apply to animals so some of what you learn can also be applied to pets and livestock.
Those who attend and complete the class will receive a certificate of completion.
An RSVP is required for this event. Class size is limited to 15. There will be a wait list, and the class will be held again if needed. For more information and to sign up for the class, please call James Dunham at 760-367-9880.
The Magic and Fun of SPROUTS! FREE!
Learn How to Set Up a Countertop Sprout Garden
with Doug Evans, Wonder Valley author of "The Sprout Book"
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Sunday, June 12, 2022
at the
Wonder Valley Community Center
80526-½ Amboy Road
(under the big fake palm tree!)
Wonder Valley CA 90027
Sprouting is fast, cheap, easy and sprouts are the most nutritious food on the planet.
When the class is over you will --
- know why sprouts are the perfect food for treating chronic illnesses like diabetes and obesity.
- learn step-by-step how to grow nutritious and delicious lentil sprouts in a jar using water.
- know what equipment you will need and the best places to get it.
- know how to grow your own food without soil, sunshine or fertilizer.
- be able to grow your own vegetables on your kitchen countertop with simple, low cost equipment.
Attendees will have free online access to “The Sprout Book,” with instructions and sprouting charts.
If you have questions, contact Doug Evans at doug@dougevans.com
This event is sponsored by the Friends of Wonder Valley, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Friends of Wonder Valley seeks to enhance the lives of the people of Wonder Valley
by providing programs that engage residents and build community.
Wonder Valley Community Cleanup.
San Bernardino County Code Enforcement and Solid Waste Management Divisions
will be providing bulky trash collection containers for the FREE disposal of
accumulated trash, e-waste, and tires. Please bring your bulky items and trash to
the designated container at the location listed below. This program is limited to the
residents of the unincorporated County area.
We cannot accept commercial or industrial waste from businesses.
Please remember to safely secure and properly cover your loads prior to traveling
to the event.
If you are bringing waste tires, please limit your load to a maximum of 9 tires.
Tires on rims WILL be accepted.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have oversized, loose, or hard-to-handle loads, you may be
turned away to dispose of your waste materials at your own expense.
WE WILL ACCEPT household trash, bulky items, green waste and vehicle tires.
The Urban Conservation Corps will be present to accept electronics
(TV’s, computer monitors, VCR’s, stereos, cell phones, microwaves & more)
WE CANNOT ACCEPT HAZARDOUS WASTE. This includes motor oil and oil filters,
antifreeze, gasoline, drain cleaner, pesticides, fertilizers, fluorescent lights,
wood preservatives, pool and hobby supplies, auto/furniture polish, paint thinners,
paint products or similar products.
For current information, locations and times for the disposal of Household
Hazardous Waste, please call the Household Hazardous Waste Program:
1-800-OILY-CAT (1-800-645-9228)
WHEN: Saturday, June 18, 2020; 8:00 a.m. to NOON (or until equipment is full)
WHERE: Wonder Valley Community Center
80526-½ Amboy Road, Wonder Valley (next to the palm tree cell phone tower)
If you have questions regarding this event,
please call County Code Enforcement at 909-884-4056.
Monday, May 16, 2022
RE: Wonder Inn
I'm sorry to report that neither Ken nor I have received any documents or links to documents from the Project Team.
When we have, we will post them here, on the Wonder Valley Community Page on Facebook, on Wonder Valley NextDoor.
Teresa Sitz