The Glass Outhouse Art Gallery’s tenth anniversary celebration had a big crowd, a huge anniversary cake, delicious food, great music and fantastic artwork! The entire property’s amazing, with a real glass outhouse, trails winding throughout the acreage and interesting creations
everywhere. Darlene’s favorite was a white metal family of goats!
A Community Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 8 at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road, at 11 a.m., with pizza being served! Our Morongo Basin Municipal Advisory Council representative Steve Reyes will discuss the 911 system, security issues and the upcoming MAC meeting on Monday, June 10 at the Joshua Tree Community Center, 6171 Sunburst, at 5:30
Since the birthstone for June is the pearl and the flower the rose, we send out Rainbows-of-Pearls-and-Roses to Pappy Parsons and Bill Hague who celebrate their special days this week. Happy birthday, Bill and Pappy!
Ironically, both of the following commentaries were written about the same business. Darlene’s was written before hearing about the upcoming closure, Karen’s was written after.

Karen’s Commentary: Talk about the “end of an era” – how about the “end of almost a lifetime?” I’ve been a Bank of America customer since 1961 – 58 years! Through thick and thin, home mortgages and car loans, we have always had a checking and a savings account with Bank of America all these years. Now the only branch left in the Morongo Basin will be closing on September 10. In their notification, it states that you can still do all your banking online or by phone – nothing is mentioned about using an ATM, by the way. Well, let me tell you, when you have a problem, having to contact someone in Texas, Chicago, Florida or beyond just does not cut it, not to mention the HOURS spent on hold, navigating websites and/or pressing buttons! So long, Bank of America.