Godwin Christian Fellowship’s Drive-in Church begins at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday in their parking lot at 6389 Godwin Road at Highway 62. For further information, contact Pastor Max Rossi at mrossi121@yahoo.com or 831-234-6848,or Brother Wally Currie at 760-449-8683.
Special wishes go out to Donna and Pappy Parsons as they celebrate their many years together this week. Happy anniversary, Pappy and Donna!
Karen’s Commentary: So how are you handling wearing face coverings anytime you go anywhere? The first time I wore one to go shopping was awful! I have a “thing” about something covering my face, but thought it would be okay since it would just be my nose and mouth covered. WRONG! I felt like I couldn’t breathe and had to keep holding the mask out from my face every few minutes to get some “real air,” as opposed to “mask air!” I couldn’t wait to yank that thing off my face! After that, I started practicing wearing a mask for longer and longer times. Now I’m doing
just fine with it, but I’ll be happy when it’s over.

Handy Hint: Here are three good alternatives that really work and are really cheap. Use a squirt bottle filled with half vinegar and half water to clean countertops; use baking soda in place of scouring powder; and use dental floss to slice any soft or delicate food, such as cheese or cake. (Dental floss is safe for food because it’s
designed for use in your mouth.)
Today’s Thought: This untitled poem was found in the book “Cream of Wit” by Vern McLellan. “The horse and mule live thirty years, / and nothing know of wines and beers. / The goats and sheep at twenty die, / and never taste of Scotch and Rye. / The cow drinks water by the ton, / And at eighteen is mostly done. / The dog at fifteen cashes in / Without the aid of rum and gin. / The cat in milk and water soaks / And then in twelve short years it croaks. / The modest, sober, bone-dry hen / Lays eggs for nogs, then dies at ten. / All animals are strictly dry, / They sinless
live and swiftly die. / But sinful, ginful rum-soaked men / Survive for threescore years and ten. / And some of them, a very few, / Stay pickled ‘til they’re ninety-two.”
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.