Thursday, January 28, 2016

Desert Trail Column, January 28, 2016

We’ve been told that there is a substitute mail carrier out here right now, and mail has been showing up in the wrong boxes. If you’ve not received something that you’re expecting in the mail, you might try calling the post office at 760-367-1161 to see if it’s possibly landed back there.

The special community meeting on Saturday, January 23 was well-attended and was very informative. Jim Brakebill, who runs the Copper Mountain College Fire Technology Program, gave an excellent presentation about Paid Call Firefighters, how such a program works and different aspects of the pros and cons of such a program being implemented in Wonder Valley. Jim worked as a Wonder Valley firefighter back in the 80’s, so he knows firsthand of the local issues and problems in our area. Another excellent presentation was made by Rob Bradbury of Morongo Basin Ambulance. He gave a short history of the ambulance service and how it operates, assuring everyone that MBA will continue to respond to medical aids, traffic collisions and structure fires in Wonder Valley regardless of what happens with the fire service. MBA is not affiliated with any fire department, and has operated as a non-profit entity since 1948.

We send out Rainbows-of-Garnets-and-Carnations to Vida Hamilton who celebrates her special day this week. Happy birthday, Vida!

Darlene’s Commentary: I’m late again. (I wish I had a nickel for every time I’ve said that!) It’s about ding-dong-time to thank the nice people for the cards and phone calls when I was sick with bronchitis. Judy Taylor; Jerry, Rick and Judy; Annie French; Sandi Arismendi; and Brian and Laurie Porteous all sent beautiful cards, some even hand-crafted! Thank you so much to everyone.

Karen’s Commentary: We have an interesting situation with our loud and annoying (just what I need) bedroom alarm clock. It automatically changes time twice a year for daylight savings time, BUT it’s set for the old schedule instead of the current one! So in April and October it springs ahead or falls back right on cue, but in March and November it does nothing. Things like this certainly keep life interesting!

Star Javier will be available at our community center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road, from 9 to noon on Food Distribution days or you can call and leave a message for her at 760-367-9880 and she’ll call you back.

Handy Hint: Paper towels are an expensive cleaning habit. The very best (and free) cleaning rags are made of old cloth diapers, T-shirts and linen or terry cloth dishtowels.

Thought for Today: A yard without a tree isn’t fit for a dog.

Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.