Thursday, August 29, 2019

Desert Trail Column - August 29, 2019

The Palms, 83131 Amboy Road at Thompson Road, will reopen today, August 29.
College of the Desert professor Ruth Nolan will present “In the Desert: Stories of Willie Boy” at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road at Blower Road, on Saturday, August 31 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. A $2 donation is requested, but not required to attend.

Our Municipal Advisory Council representative Steve Reyesc will hold a community meeting on Wednesday, September 4 at our community center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mark Lundquist, Field Representative for our San Bernardino County Supervisor Dawn Rowe, will be in attendance. Also, representatives from the Sheriff’s Department will discuss illegal offroading and illegal shooting. And there will be a raffle! Refreshments will be available. For further information, contact Steve at
Mark your calendars with these upcoming events at Wonder Valley Community Church, 82575 Amboy Road: A free movie and munchies on September 21, and a spaghetti dinner fundraiser on October 12.
Most events at our WVCC are sponsored by our local nonprofit Friends of Wonder Valley. For additional information on any local event, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at or 760-367-9880.
We send out Rainbows-of-Peridots-and-Gladioli to Scott Kelso who celebrates his special day this week. Happy birthday, Scott!
Darlene’s Commentary: Chewing a substance containing Xylitol can help clear a foggy brain! Xylitol is a sugar substitute that tastes good and is good for you, too. Hard to believe, right? There are many products that contain Xylitol, especially sugar-free gum. Start chewing!
Karen’s Commentary: More coupons on their way! This time to US Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine bases in Belgium, Germany, Japan and Guam. Also, I read that the Twentynine Palms Library will be closed for renovations from October 1 to December 13!

Our community center is open on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. You can check out books and movies from the free lending program, or just come in to cool off and relax. There are lots of pamphlets and brochures full of useful information available. Stop in, look around and say hello to our coordinator Teresa Sitz!
Handy Hint: Leave your phone in your pocket or purse when you’re talking to other people face-to-face. Give them all your attention.

Today’s Thought: “I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” – Quaker saying
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Desert Trail Column - August 22, 2019

The mobile medical van will be at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road at Blower Road, on Wednesday, August 28 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Primary healthcare services will be provided by a nurse practitioner, including exams, lab test recommendations and prescription refills if necessary. Some immunizations are also available. Walk-ins are accepted as time permits, but appointments are encouraged. Call 760-365-9305 for information or appointments.
The Salvation Army Food Distribution will take place at our community center on Wednesday, August 28, starting at 11 a.m. The distribution will continue until the food is gone. Fresh fruits and veggies are usually included.

Mark your calendars for some upcoming events. The Palms, 83131 Amboy Road, will reopen on August 29; Ruth Nolan will give us stories of Willie Boy at our community center on August 31; and a community meeting with Mark Lundquist and Sheriff’s Department representatives will be held at our community center on September 4.
Most events at our WVCC are sponsored by our local nonprofit Friends of Wonder Valley. For additional information on any local event, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at or 760-367-9880.
We send out Rainbows-of-Peridots-and-Gladioli to Dominick Bruxer and Ted Meyers (82) who celebrate their special days this week. Happy birthday, Ted and Dominick!

Darlene’s Commentary: Did you read the letter on a recent Opinion Page entitled “Old people versus the darkness”? I did, but I’m still not sure what exactly I read – or I guess, what exactly it was supposed to mean. After I manually closed my gaping mouth, I just sat there for a while, then came back to Earth with a thud and got on with my life!
Karen’s Commentary: Two things. One good, one not-so-good. Thanks to Bob and Joe for coupons that went out this week to US Army, Marine and Navy bases in Germany, Japan and Italy. Now for the not-so-good. All my hopes, prayers, positive thinking and wishful thinking came to a screeching halt when I read the article on the front page about our fire station not reopening. I’m devastated.
Lift Transportation provides free rides to and from medical appointments in the Morongo Basin. For information and/or to schedule a ride, call 760-366-5438 or 760-820-9229. When scheduling a ride, try to call at least two weeks before your appointment.

Handy Hint: Using a nail, punch holes into the sides of a clean empty can with the label removed, making any design you’d like. Then place a tea light inside and enjoy your dazzling creation!
Today’s Thought: My IQ test results came back. They were negative.

Until next time..., remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fire Station closed for good.

In an interview with Tracey Martinez, the Public Relations office of the San Bernardino County Fire Department, is was definitely announced that County Fire has no plans to evern reopen the Wonder Valley Fire Station.

Wonder Valley Fire Station will not reopen
By Kurt Schauppner The Desert Trail Aug 14, 2019

Many residents responded to the news with dismay, and some with anger.

County Fire is in the process of leasing the empty properties to non-profits, though there is no information as to which.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Desert Trail Column - August 15, 2019

The Meet & Greet/Ice Cream Social with our Municipal Advisory Council Delegate Steve Reyes went very well. Upon arrival, guests were treated to some great piano playing by Lauris K. while waiting for the meeting to start. The special guest speaker was Scott Brown from High Desert Keepers, a nonprofit organization that deals with illegal dumping. Scott, a former police officer, is the president and founder, and is dedicated to ending illegal dumping in the high desert. The organization has agreed to assist Wonder Valley in cleaning up our illegally-dumped trash. To learn more about this organization, go to
Godwin Christian Fellowship, 6389 Godwin Road at 29 Palms Highway, will have a free movie and pizza night on Friday, August 16, starting at 5:30. If planning to attend, RSVP at 831-234-6848 so they will be sure to have enough pizza for everyone.

The USDA Food Distribution will take place on Tuesday, August 20 at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road at Blower Road, from 9 to noon.

Mark your calendars for the following upcoming events: The mobile medical van at our WVCC on August 28; a theater presentation with Miri Hunter at our WVCC on September 28; a Halloween presentation with Ken Layne at our WVCC on October 26; and a one-year anniversary potluck for Pastor Lonnie Casper at Wonder Valley Community Church, 82575 Amboy Road, on October 28.
Most events at our WVCC are sponsored by our local nonprofit Friends of Wonder Valley. For additional information on any local event, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at or call 760-367-9880.

We send out Rainbows-of-Peridots-and-Gladioli to Chad Fairweather and Alexa who celebrate their special days this week. Happy birthday, Alexa and Chad!
Wonder Valley resident Susan Doggett has cared for over 35,000 sick, injured and/or orphaned wild birds since 1978. She’s an Emergency Medical Technician, a graduate biologist and holds an undergraduate degree in vertebrate zoology with two years of graduate studies in ornithology and animal behavior. Susan has operated state and federally licensed wildlife rehabilitation facilities for over 39 years without any outside funding, and is a frequent guest speaker at schools and events where she provides public education on conservation and ecology of California’s birds of prey. If you come across a wild bird in distress, call Susan at 714-637-8355 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week.
Handy Hint: Not everything is a great deal at warehouse clubs, but the really smart buys include canned veggies, soda, toilet paper and eggs.

Today’s Thought: An unwillingness to quarrel about something doesn’t mean you agree with it.
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.

Salvation Army Food Distribution & MMU

The Salvation Army Food Distribution takes place starting at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 28, at the Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526-½ Amboy Road, Wonder Valley, CA 92277. The Community Center is located between the Fire Station and the palm tree cell tower.

The distribution is first come first served, and ends when there is no more food. The distribution is open to Wonder Valley residents, who self-certify on site. No documentation is required, though you will need to fill out a form the first time you attend.

The distribution will be “shopping style.” You will take what you like from a selection of food from Trader Joe’s. Please be mindful that people behind you need food, as well, and only take what you need. There may also be a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables.

The Morongo Basin Healthcare District Mobile Medical Unit will be at the Wonder Valley Community Center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Wednesday, August 28 , 2019. The WVCC is at 80526-1/2 Amboy Road, in Wonder Valley -- next to the old fire station.

This coincides with the Salvation Army Food Distribution.

A Nurse Practitioner will be on board, providing primary medical care and screenings, and if necessary, prescribing lab tests and refilling prescriptions. Some immunizations are available.

Take advantage of the MBHD’s “Take A Hike Program.” MBHD medical providers write a prescription for patients to “Take A Hike” in Joshua Tree National Park. Each prescription is good for 90 days and provides free entry to the park for the patient and up to five people in the same vehicle as the patient.

This outdoor program provides the patient opportunities to manage health and body weight through increased physical activity. Patient must have insurance accepted by the program -- see below.

Medi-Cal, IEHP and most insurances are accepted. A discounted fee-for-service is available for those without insurance. Care is provided regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.

Appointments are encouraged. To schedule an appointment, call 760-365-9305.

Walk-ins will be accepted as time permits.

Morongo Basin Healthcare District seeks to improve the health and wellness of residents who live within its designated boundaries. Services of the healthcare district include the Morongo Basin Community Health Center with offices in Twentynine Palms and Yucca Valley; and LIFT Transportation Services, providing free, non-emergency transportation to medical appointments. Business offices of the Morongo Basin Healthcare District are located at 6530 La Contenta Road, Suite 100 Yucca Valley | 760.820.9229 |

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

WV Community Meeting | September 4, 2019

Everyone is welcome and invited to attend and participate in 
the Wonder Valley Community Meeting 
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Wednesday, September 4, 2019, 
at the 
Wonder Valley Community Center
80526-1/2 Amboy Road, Twentynine Palms CA 92277

Our MAC Delegate Steve Reyes will run the meeting. Special guests include:

  • Mark Lundquist from the SBC 3rd District Supervisor's Office
  • Representatives from the SBC Sheriff's Department, who will be addressing quality of life issues including illegal offroad activities and illegal shooting.
The AGENDA was posted here, at 11 a.m., August  29, 2019, and on the door of the WVCC:
The NOTES were posted 10:30 a.m., September 7, 2019, or

The Friends of Wonder Valley, the local 501(c)(3) organization now has a raffle license, so for the first time in many years, we will be having a RAFFLE!

Refreshments will be available.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Short Plays -- Auditions, The Palms.

Lolly Goodwoman - Saturday Night!

We (The Palms) begged and pleaded with her to not do this show. The last thing we (The Palms) wanted is an evening of fun, craziness, mature themes and members of the community losing themselves running around in costumes that, well, you know. We (The Palms) were hoping for a slow, boring night at our bar in the middle of nowhere. Please, stay home and stare at your TV and fridge instead. We (The Palms) hate fun. It leads to, well, more fun. And what good is fun?

7 p.m., Saturday, August 10, 2019
The Palms
83131 Amboy Road
Wonder Valley CA 92277

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Desert Trail Column - August 8, 2019

Our local nonprofit Friends of Wonder Valley just turned one year old, and boy, have they been busy! They purchased and distributed 100 free toothbrushes to Wonder Valley residents; they purchased a small backup freezer for use at our community center; three board members (Jill Reinig, Ken Sitz and Teresa Sitz) received the Mental Health First Aid Training and Certification in Riverside; they applied for and received a raffle license; they are in the process of applying for a bingo license; and they have a new logo in the works! Sincere thanks go out to our Friends of Wonder Valley.
The Special Districts Department has allocated funds to have our community center’s kitchen and bathrooms updated, which means community meals and kitchen-related activities will be possible once again. Special Districts has also agreed to pay for the concrete work needed to install a Simi Dabah sculpture at our community center! It is being donated to us by the Simi Dabah Foundation.
There will be a Meet & Greet/Ice Cream Social with our Municipal Advisory Council Delegate Steve Reyes on Saturday, August 10 at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road at Blower Road, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Steve welcomes any suggestions, questions or comments. There will also be a special guest speaker. Contact Steve at for further information.

The Palms will be closed August 12 through August 28.
Mark your calendars for some upcoming events. A community meeting with Mark Lundquist and a Sheriff’s Department representative will be held at our community center on September 4; a free movie will be shown at Wonder Valley Community Church, 82575 Amboy Road, on September 21; and a community meeting with Supervisor Dawn Rowe will take place at our community center on October 19.
Most events at our WVCC are sponsored by our local nonprofit Friends of Wonder Valley. For additional information on any local event, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at or 760-367-9880.
The Food for Life Ministry prepares and serves delicious hot meals every Saturday at the Church of the Nazarene, 72603 Juanita Drive in Twentynine Palms, from 3 to 5 p.m. If you are unable to travel to the church, your meals may be delivered free directly to your residence by Reach Out Morongo Basin. For further information, call 760-361-1410.
Handy Hint: In areas that are prone to pileups, hang hooks on the walls so you have somewhere for clothes or bags to go until you’re ready to put them away.
Today’s Thought: What do you get when you cross a baby with a soldier? The infantry.

Until next time..., remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Barnetts Trading Post and the Peacock Lounge.

Thanks go to our new MAC Delegate, Steve Reyes, for the amazing color photo of Barnetts Trading Post and the Peacock Lounge. This was next to the old Fire Station out near the turn on Amboy headed to Sheephole Pass.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Desert Trail Column - August 1, 2019

Mark your calendars for two upcoming events in Wonder Valley. A Meet & Greet/Ice Cream Social will take place at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road, on August 10. And a spaghetti dinner fundraiser will be held at Wonder Valley Community Church, 82575 Amboy Road, on October 12.
Most events at our WVCC are sponsored by our local nonprofit Friends of Wonder Valley. For additional information on any local event, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at, or 760-367-9880.
We send out Rainbows-of-Rubies-and-Larkspurs to Mandy Root (35) and Cris Buskirk, who celebrate their special days this week. Happy birthday, Cris and Mandy!
Karen’s Commentary: Here are numbers you might need now or in the future.

Mental Health: 

  • Family Resource Center 760-228-9657, 
  • Hi-Desert Medical Center Behavioral Health Centre 760-366-1541 and 
  • San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health, 909-381-2420 or 888-743-1478
Legal Services:
  • Attorney General 800-952-5225, 
  • Household Goods Movers Complaints 800-366-4782 and 
  • Victims of Crime Resource Center 800-842-8467. 
Military Veterans’ Services: 
  • US Department of Veteran Affairs 800-827-1000, 
  • Veterans Administration Insurance Center 800-669-8477 and 
  • Veterans Center 800-225-8387. 
Substance Abuse:
  • San Bernardino County Substance Abuse Services 800-968-2636, 
  • ASAP Family Treatment - Cocaine 800-367-2727, 
  • Chemical Dependant Hearing Impaired 800-282-3323, 
  • National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Line 800-252-6465 and 
  • Substance Abuse Information and Referral Line 800-662-4357. 
Could be helpful.
Darlene’s Commentary: Bank of America in Yucca Valley is closing on September 10, 2019. After the Starbucks/ATMs incidents, there were assurances by Bank of America personnel that new ATMs would be placed in Twentynine Palms, so many of us held on, expecting a completely satisfactory outcome. As a long-time customer, I didn’t want to just give up on them, but I now must face the facts Since a satisfactory outcome with Bank of America is definitely no longer in the future, I must say that we are fortunate to have other good banks in Twentynine Palms. And it will be good to have my bank back in town again.

Animal Action League will spay or neuter your pets, implant microchips and provide vaccinations, all at reduced rates. AAL is a wonderful organization that is located at 62762 29 Palms Highway, just west of the dinosaurs, in Joshua Tree. For further information, call 760-366-1100.

Handy Hint: When you get a splinter, reach for the Scotch Tape before resorting to tweezers or a needle. Simply put the tape over the splinter, then pull it off. This method will remove most splinters painlessly and easily.

Today’s Thought: “Such a simple thing as the giving of yourself – giving thoughtfulness, time, help, or understanding – will trigger the cycle of abundance.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.

Free pass to Joshua Tree National Park.

The Morongo Basin Healthcare District's Mobile Medical Unit (van) will be serving people from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Wednesday, August 28, at at the Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526-1/2 Amboy Road, in the shade of the cell tower palm tree.

The MBHD is participating in the Take a Hike program, which provides to patients a prescription in the form of a 90-day pass to Joshua Tree National Park, to get out in the open air, in nature, and to walk or hike in the park. The pass is good for up to five people in the same car. Patients are given a booklet of hikes tailored to various levels of activity -- easy, moderate, or strenuous. Patients may also enjoy rangers talks, tours, and in the fall -- Artist's Teas each Sunday.

You may already have a doctor that you see, but if you stop and see the doctor at the MMU for a quick check, you could walk away with a park pass!

The MMU takes Med-Cal, Medicare, IEHP, and most PPO insurance. Feel free to drop in and sign up to be seen at the desk. If you don't have insurance, they can help you sign up, or you can pay for the visit.

The MMU also offers free blood pressure checks, so stop by for that, too.

If you own property here you'll notice that part of our property tax goes to the Morongo Basin Healthcare District. Since you're already paying for it, please help make sure this program is a success, and use it!

Hunter and the Wick'd included in country music compilation.

From the Hi-Desert Star: Hunter lands spot on compilation

The band Hunter and the Wick'd, with Wonder Valley locals Miri Hunter and Thom Merrick, are being included in a country music compilation -- Keepin’ It Country, Vol. One., released by BWH Music Group. Their song is “I Don’t Want To Talk Right Now.”

Congratulations, Miri and Thom.