Drive-in Church services will be featured at Godwin
Christian Fellowship, 6389 Godwin Road at Highway 62, on Sunday, May 17 at 10
a.m. Sing along and worship in the comfort of your own vehicle! The service will
last no longer than one hour. This is a wonderful opportunity to attend church
while still following the coronavirus guidelines. For further information,
contact Pastor Max Rossi at
or 831-234-6848 or Brother Wally Currie at 760-449-8683.

The USDA Food Distribution will be in a drive-thru format
beginning at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, May 19 at our Wonder Valley Community Center,
80526 ½ Amboy Road at Blower Road. Please wear a face covering and stay in your
vehicle. Enter the access road at the east end of the community center and
continue driving around the community center in a counterclockwise direction. Someone
will come to your vehicle, keeping a safe distance, and ask for your
information. Another volunteer will place your box of food into your vehicle at
whatever location you indicate. Please be aware that the community center
itself is closed and the park is closed, so there are no public restrooms available.
Karen’s Commentary: Well,
I’m now pretty used to wearing a face mask and keeping my distance from every
living soul at the grocery store and doctor’s office. My big concern is that
many people are going to hear and read about things beginning to open up and
assume we’re suddenly back to normal! I sure hope this doesn’t happen because
it could mean a very big setback that would actually prolong all the undesirable
rules and regulations of what is right now our everyday lives. I think from now
on most of us will be pretty reluctant to get close to strangers or shake hands
with everyone or cough or sneeze in public. That is probably a good thing!
Since the public guidelines have made such an impression on us, I hope it has
also made a big impression in other ways such as pulling together with our
fellow humans, no matter where their home is, to make things better for all
people everywhere. This whole situation is something none of us has ever been
through before and we certainly should contemplate on what each of us has
learned from it. I personally am so grateful to still be on this Earth along
with my entire family.

Handy Hint: To
prevent thread from tangling, run the threaded needle through a sheet of Bounce
before beginning to sew.
Today’s Thought: When
she saw her first strands of gray hair she thought she’d dye.
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the
WONDERs all around us.