Darlene’s Commentary: I read my Basinwide Weekend Hi Desert Star differently from my Desert Trail. In the Trail, I first check our column and Betty Salvini’s, then the front page for prominent items in the need-to-know category, then the Opinion Page and Soapbox, then I go over everything that I hadn’t read, and finish with the Classifieds.
Now, with the Basinwide Star, first I have to visit all seven columnists in the middle of the paper to see what’s going on in their communities, then I turn to the Classifieds. This week the first item in the Lost and Found caught my eye. I know exactly how it feels to lose your mom, with photos then being the only way that you can “see” her again. Young people take lots of photos – friends, children and family, pets, vacations, etc, but most of the photos stay in the phone and never become actual printed photos that you can hold and share with others. I would urge everyone to think about that and print out your favorite photos, and keep them safe so they can be passed to the next generations. It’s a bummer to lose your phone, but it can be replaced – pictures can’t. I hope the person that picked up Teresa’s phone at WalMart will do the right thing.
Karen’s Commentary: Many thanks go out to Marie Heddaeus for coupons and cards, to Sandi Arismendi for cards, to Sue McMahon for cards and to Jan Peek for coupons and stamps. Our military families overseas, St Jude’s Ranch for Children in Utah and the eagles in Big Bear all thank you!
If you want to know all the latest news from and about Wonder Valley, check out the website www.WonderValley.org – it has a wealth of information from both the present and the past.
Handy Hint: If you have an oven with a self-cleaning cycle, start the cycle right after you finish baking something, while the oven’s still hot. It will use less energy to heat up to cleaning temperature.

Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.