Karen’s Commentary: Thank you, Jan Peek, for lots of coupons, cards and stamps! The military families overseas, kids at St Jude’s and eagles in Big Bear are all grateful. On a different note, I must relay that those pesky little Christmas elves have been whispering in my ears all this month. I keep telling them to shut up because Christmas is still two months away – ONLY TWO MONTHS? Oh, my. I guess I’d better start paying more attention to them. And on still another note, I’m trying to find two people. I have a high school annual that belonged to William “Bill” DeJarnette who lived on Lear Avenue in the 1970’s. The annual is from Lincoln Community High School in Lincoln, IL, and is from the year 1922. I also have a book titled “My School-Day Autobiography” which is similar to an autograph book, and belonged to Mary Louise Crozier. Twin High School is mentioned, plus several places in Ohio, and it is dated 1941. I’d love to return these to the owners or their families.
Darlene’s Commentary: I was stunned to hear that the Sav-a-Lot grocery store is closing its doors on Saturday, October 29. This store has just about everything that a larger grocery store has, and I’ve found the fresh produce and meat of excellent quality, and many of the brands of canned goods, boxed goods, spices, bread, deli items, cleaning supplies, pet foods, beverages, ice cream and pastries are excellent and are not available elsewhere. I’ve saved nearly half on my grocery bill by shopping at Sav-a-Lot. Everyone that I know loves shopping there. Every single person that works at Sav-a-Lot has been exceptionally helpful to their customers, including myself. If you had a question or complaint of any kind, someone would attend to it immediately. Unfortunately, these employees were given very short notice of the store closing. I will miss each and every one of them, and would gladly give an excellent recommendation to any prospective employer.
Animal Action League is located on 29 Palms Highway in Joshua Tree, just west of the dinosaurs. They will spay or neuter your pet at a very low price, plus they offer vaccinations and microchips at discounted prices. Call them at 760-366-1100.
Handy Hint: To make peeling hard squashes and root veggies easier, place them in the microwave for two to three minutes on low power to make the skin more pliable for peeling and cutting.
Thought for Today: Poverty of purpose is far worse than poverty of purse.
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.
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Desert rain storm during the golden hour, October 25, 2016 |