Thank you, Tim, for clearing our roads right away following the wash flowing with Twentynine Palms runoff from Saturday’s storm. We appreciate it!
Darlene’s Commentary: I agree with Fran Becker, famous columnist for Desert Heights News! I had the same thoughts about how I would love to say, “B-r-r-r, it is actually cold outside” or “B-r-r-r, I’d better bring my sweater.” I thought I couldn’t take another day of triple digits and 150 per cent humidity. This morning’s Weather Channel forecast shows seven days at 99 degrees and lower! (Twilight Zone music, please!)
Karen’s Commentary: I’m in awe of people who speak multiple languages. I took four years of Spanish, but still can’t come close to speaking it fluently. I can read and pronounce every word correctly; I just can’t understand most of them! In Mexico, I had to resort to saying “woo-woo” along with a hand gesture of pulling a train whistle to get my meaning of a train across! Pretty pathetic.
The non-profit 29 Soaring Club meets every Sunday, weather permitting, at the Twentynine Palms Airport on Highway 62 at Godwin Road, from 11am to sunset. The club owns two gliders and one tow plane which are kept at the airport. The public is welcome to come out to watch these gliders do their stuff. Glider rides are available at a cost of $20 to $50 (cash only) depending on the altitude desired. Gift certificates are also available. This is a great idea for a unique gift! Call Mike at 760-464-2835 for further information.

Thought for Today: What happened when the dairy cow tried to jump the barbed wire fence? Udder destruction!
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.
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Rain in Wonder Valley. |