Please note that our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526½
Amboy Road near Blower Road, will be closed for the holidays from December 20,
2018 to January 4, 2019. We’ll see you next year, Teresa!
We send out Rainbows-of-Turquoise-and-Narcissus to Teresa Sitz and Laurel Seidl who celebrate their special days this week. Happy birthday to both of you!

Karen’s Commentary: Besides our weekly Handy Hints, there are a couple things I’ve done around our house for years that really work. One is to put a “collar” on drippy bottles like cooking oil and dish soap. Fold a paper towel lengthwise a few times until it’s a long
strip about an inch-wide, then wrap it around the bottle, securing it with 2 or 3 rubber bands. This catches all the drips! Another is to leave the “almost empty” roll-on deodorant bottle standing upside down between uses. That same bottle that was “running out” now lasts for several more WEEKS!
Darlene’s Commentary: I would like to share a recipe called Wacky Cake from our beloved mother Louise Borquez who always enjoyed something creative and different. Here it is! Dry ingredients: 1 ½ cups sifted flour, 1 cup sugar, ½ teaspoon baking soda, 3 tablespoons cocoa and ½ teaspoon salt. Stir all dry ingredients into an UNGREASED 8”- or 9”-square cake pan. Make three holes. In the first hole, put 1 tablespoon vinegar. In the second hole, put 6 tablespoons cooking oil. In the third hole, put 1 teaspoon vanilla. Pour
1 cup cold water over it all and mix with a fork. Bake at 350 degrees for 35
If you have complaints, compliments or comments about our road maintenance, leave a message for our grader operator Tim Candelaria at 760-367-9880. Our compliments go out to Tim about the great job he does on our roads.
Handy Hint: For an easy way to know which cord plugged into a power strip goes to which device, use bread closure tabs. They’re perfect for labeling cords because they’re sturdy plastic, big enough to write on and easily clip around the plug end of a cord.