Our local non-profit Friends of Wonder Valley needs donations. No amount is too small and donations are tax deductible. To donate, go to https://www.friendsofwondervalley.org or mail to Friends of Wonder Valley, PO Box 1704, Twentynine Palms CA 92277. Call
Teresa Sitz at 760-367-9880.
The Glass Outhouse Art Gallery, 77575 29 Palms Highway at Thunder Road, will host an artists’ reception on Saturday, January 5, from 1 to 5 p.m. This show runs through January 27 with featured artists David Greene and Edie Fake. Come to meet the artists, enjoy free refreshments, and listen to The Luminators. Call Laurel Seidl at 760-367-3807.
Mark your calendar for the Wonder Valley Community Meeting on Saturday, January 12. Retired police officer Steve Reyes is scheduled to speak on ways to secure your property.
Since the birthstone for January is the garnet and the flower is the carnation, we send out Rainbows-of-Garnets-and-Carnations to Kip Fjeld who celebrates his special day this week. Happy birthday, Kip!
Karen’s Commentary: Giving my space to Dar today.

Each Sunday morning, Godwin Christian Fellowship, 6389 Godwin Road near Highway 62, has an adult Prayer/Bible Study at 9, Morning Worship Service at 10:30 and Children’s Church for 8 years and younger at 11:30. In addition, every third Sunday has a Birthdays and Anniversaries Celebration. Contact Pastor Max Rossi at Mrossi121@yahoo.com or 831-234-6848.
Handy Hint: Cut a stack of lettuce leaves with a pizza cutter to get shreds for salads, tacos and sandwiches.