Yoga at The Palms with Lorelei Vox Greene will take place on Saturday, April 6 from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. These classes are for beginners through advanced, and are donation-based. Call 760-361-2810 for further information.
The Glass Outhouse Art Gallery will host an artists’ reception on Saturday, April 6 from 5 to 9 p.m. Featured artists are Helen Gordon and Mary Best. Come meet the artists, enjoy free refreshments and listen to the Luminators, Mark and Paul. This show will run through April 28. The
gallery is located at 77575 29 Palms Highway at Thunder Road. For more information, call Laurel at 760-367-3807.Since the birthstone for April is the diamond and the flower is the sweetpea, we send out Rainbows-of-Diamonds-and-Sweetpeas to Charlotte Williams who turns 86 this week. Happy birthday, Charlotte!

Karen’s Commentary: I don’t have room for the entire description of my call to Frontier for phone repair, but just let me say their special repair number included dozens of options that had nothing to do with repair; then Ms. Robot told me we don’t have inside wire maintenance, which we pay for monthly; then, when I called a different number and finally got a live person, she told
me she couldn’t talk to me because I’m not listed as an authorized user. I believe “livid” isn’t even a close description of me at that point.
The non-profit 29 Soaring Club meets every Sunday at the Twentynine Palms Airport at 29 Palms Highway and Godwin Road from 11 a.m. to sunset, weather permitting. They own two gliders and a tow plane, and will provide a ride for $20 to $50, depending on altitude desired, cash only. Gift certificates are also available and have no expiration dates. Call Mike at 760-464-2835.
Handy Hint: Hang a clock in your bathroom to just make life easier.
Today’s Thought: Besides Harrison Ford, those who auditioned for the role of Han Solo in Star Wars
included Burt Reynolds, Kurt Russell, Nick Nolte, Al Pacino, Tom Selleck and Sylvester Stallone.Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.