Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to sandbag

Now is the time to prepare your sandbags for winter storms. You can stop by your local firehouse and pick up up to 10 sandbags free. The staff may help you fill your sandbags and may even deliver to your house if you require assistance.

Watch the following video to learn the best way to use sandbags, especially how to dispose of used sandbags. You might also want to stock up on plastic sheeting, duct tape, and garbage bags.

You'll also need to stock up on a week's worth of:

  • water for each member of the family, and for pets and livestock
  • food
  • medicine
  • light sources including batteries
  • a fully charged fire extingusher
Talk to your neighbors and make sure you have a way of checking up on each other. A group of neighbors may consider pitching in to buy one or two mini drones with cameras. The drone can be sent to a neighbor's house to make sure they are safe. The one below is currently on sale for $70.52. Flight time is usually around 7 minutes and flight distance is around 300-400 feet.