Last week we provided the wrong date for Pastor Casper’s one-year anniversary potluck at Wonder Valley Community Church, 82575 Amboy Road. The correct date is October 27. We apologize for the error.
The community meeting with our San Bernardino County Supervisor Dawn Rowe was well-attended and very informative. Supervisor Rowe clarified the current status of her appointment as supervisor and discussed the controversy surrounding the FP-5 charges that now appear on our property taxes, along with other issues. She was very open and down-to-Earth with her comments and answers to our questions. Our Morongo Basin Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) representative Steve Reyes did a great job running the meeting and provided yummy food for everyone in attendance. It was nice to be able to talk directly to our district’s supervisor, and we thank Steve for providing us with that opportunity.
The USDA Food Distribution will take place on Tuesday, October 22 at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road at Blower Road, from 9 to noon.
On Wednesday, October 23, the mobile medical van will be at our community center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A Nurse Practitioner will provide medical care and screenings, referrals for lab tests, prescription refills and some immunizations. No appointment is necessary. For information, call 760-365-9305.

Mark your calendars for a Halloween presentation with Ken Layne at our community center on October 26.
Most events at our WVCC are sponsored by our local nonprofit Friends of Wonder Valley. For additional information on any local event, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at or
The non-profit 29 Soaring Club is at our Twentynine Palms Airport every Sunday from 11 a.m. to sunset, weather permitting. They own two gliders and a tow plane and provide rides from $20 to $50 cash, depending on altitude desired. Non-expiring gift certificates are available onsite. Call Mike at 760-464-2835 for further information.
Handy Hint: A free and simple way to save time when getting dressed and to free up space is to go through your closet from one end to the other and remove every single piece of clothing that does not fit, or that you haven’t worn in the past year. You’ll be amazed!
Today’s Thought: “I think sleeping was my problem in school. If school had started at four in the afternoon, I’d be a college graduate today.” – George Foreman
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.