The Weed Show presentation was very interesting and informative. Ted Meyers revealed a few of his secret tricks and tips on
creating an entry that could be a winner. Thanks, Ted.
The Glass Outhouse Art Gallery, 77575 29 Palms Highway at Thunder Road, will hold a reception on Saturday, October 5 from 5 to 9 p.m. for featured artists Tammy Wood and Jeni Bate. This show will run through October 27. Come meet the artists and enjoy the refreshments, with music provided by The Luminators. For information, call Laurel at 760-367-3807.

Mark your calendars for some upcoming events. At Wonder Valley Community Church, 82575 Amboy Road, a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for roof repair on October 12 and Pastor Casper’s one-year anniversary potluck on October 27. At our community center, Bob Dougherty from the Department of Aging and Adult Services on October 16 and a Halloween Presentation with Ken Layne on October 26.
Most events at our WVCC are sponsored by our local nonprofit Friends of Wonder Valley. For additional information on any local event, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at teresa.sitz@sdd.sbcounty.gov or
Since the birthstone for October is the opal, and the flower is the calendula, we send out Rainbows-of-Opals-and-Calendulas to Ron Root who celebrates his special day this week. Happy birthday, Ron!
Karen's Commentary: Giving space to Dar.
Darlene’s Commentary: What I’d like to see in Wonder Valley’s future is a community that supports parks, community events, remaining rural, preserving the natural environment, preserving historical places and encouraging local people to open
small businesses here. I’d love to see Wonder Valley remain one-of-a-kind, a special place we can be proud of.
Today’s Thought: In Survivalists’ language, they will GOOD (Get Out of Dodge) in their BOV (Bug Out Vehicle), along with the Golden Horde (masses of panicked people). In case of a GDE (electrical Grid-Down Event), when YOYO (You’re on Your Own), you’ll need an INCH (I’m Never Coming Home) bag because it may be TEOTWAWKI (The End of the
World as We Know It)!

Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.